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The Next Generation of the Original Magnesium Oxide (MgO) Board.
The SQBoard is a revolutionary product for the construction industry, available in Eco or Ultra
Mineral based, non-toxic and environmental friendly sheathing material with unparalleled properties for use in the construction industry.
SQBoard is revolutionary in construction, it boasts superior fire, thermal and acoustic properties, as well as being stronger and lighter than other sheathing material. High compressive strength and impact resistance allows it to be used as a structural element and it's resistance to water and moisture makes it highly versatile and applicable for use in almost any construction or renovation project. SQ Board Ultra with it 4 layers as standard sets groundbreaking performance in the MgO market.
All SQBoards have been through extensive testing throughout their development, this ensures the products meet the highest standards.
The basic element of all SQBoards is magnesium oxide, commonly known as MgO or magnesia which is a hygroscopic solid, naturally occurring mineral. Comprising predominantly of magnesium as the name suggests - one of the most abundant natural resources found in the earths crust. This is combined with additional materials to enhance the natural characteristics of SQBoards over all other building boards available.
SQBoards are completely safe, non-toxic and naturally occurring and can be used for multiple applications; provide structural sheathing as Internal and External walls, floors, roof covering and platforms amongst other applications.
SQBoards are white - cream or grey (other colours on request) with standard sizes; 1200mm wide and 2400mm up-tp 3660mm long and thickness (mm) 6, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18,and 20mm.
The boards can be easily cut, nailed or screwed, and can be directly painted on with any regular acrylic or oil paint. Alternatively the SQBoard can be supplied laminated with different designs / finishes for both internal and external use (to view finishes CLICK HERE).